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SOFTWARE & TECH | Halleloo Creative

A selection of brand commercials, case studies, and tech explainers produced by Halleloo Creative. The campaigns took us across the US, and showcase our post-production experience with on-camera app & website usage. From funny digital spots to documentary-style coverage, Halleloo can help to develop your brand identity and personalize your product's impact. 

digital ad campaign

Kayak | "You Could Be Watching This..."

Halleloo worked directly with Kayak's marketing team to produce a series of ads, on location in Miami, FL. Kayak provided us with a variety of scripts to target specific online audiences, while Halleloo handled locations, casting, production design, and crew hires. This campaign was directed by our Creative Director, Nathan Chang, and was produced, shot, and edited by our in-house team.

Verizon Case Study

Verizon | GCI Slingers Case Study

In partnership with Verizon Connect, we have produced a series of case study videos that highlight the benefits of integrating Verizon tech into a variety of locally-owned businesses. Our nimble travel team captures stunning b-roll footage and conducts interviews with clients, and is led by our Director of Photography, Steven Bailey.

digital ad campaign

Cheapflights | "Who's On Cheapflights?"

Halleloo brought this comedic, studio ad to life with the Canadian-based company, Cheapflights. Halleloo provided casting, locations, crew hires, and all post-production services. The series of digital ads, with 6s, 15s, and 30s variations, were directed by Halleloo's Creative Director, Nathan Chang. 

ZoHo Case Study

ZoHo | RENU Case Study

Halleloo's travel team captured a day in the life at the Charlotte-based energy solutions company, Renu, to collect a series of testimonials for the CRM, ZoHo. Director of Photography, Steven Bailey, created a compelling documentary-style case study that emphasizes the real, beneficial impact of our client's services.

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